This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC) events.


The High-Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations is the reference event for strengthening economic and strategic ties between ASEAN countries and Italy. The first six editions–Jakarta (2017), Singapore (2018), Hanoi (2019), the 2020-2021 digital editions, and Kuala Lumpur (2022)–brought together more than 2,500 Chairmen and CEOs of companies, Ministers, and Institutional leaders from ASEAN Countries and Italy.

In 2023, the High-Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, with an in-person event. It will fall on the 155th anniversary of Italian-Thai bilateral relations.

On Tuesday, October 3, the B2B meeting session organized by ITA (Italian Trade Agency) will be held in the afternoon at the Grand Hyatt Erawan. If of your interest, please register HERE. For more information, please write to

The plenary discussion will be held on Wednesday,October 4 (all-day), addressing the following cutting-edge topics:

• The ASEAN-Italy economic relations towards sustainable development and the ESG-driven economy

• Technology and industrial partnerships to foster the Green Transition

• ASEAN-Italy joint supply chains for strategic sectors of the future and the role of SMEs

• The power of the Digital and Creative Economy

• Enabling Sustainable food and smart agriculture

• Capabilities and skills for advanced automation and Industry 4.0

• ASEAN-Italy trade and investment opportunities, free trade agreements, and tools for economic cooperation

Among the confirmed speakers: Valentino Valentini (Vice Minister, Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy), Alfredo E. Pascual (Secretary of Trade and Industry, the Philippines), Attilio Fontana (President, Lombardy Regional Government), Marcello Sala (Director-General, Department of Treasury, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Italy), Chula Sukmanop (Secretary General, Eastern Economic Corridor - EEC, Thailand), Pun-Arj Chairatana (Director of Thailand's National Innovation Agency), Sihasak Phuangketkeow (former Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and former Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador to Japan and France, Thailand), Kiat Sittheeamorn (former President of Thailand's Trade Representative), Cherdchai Chaivaivid (Director-General, Department of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand), Dato' Steve Cheah (Head of Diplomatic Council Mission to CLMVT countries), Anuson Chinvanno (Director of International Studies Center-ISC, Thailand), Valerio De Molli (Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti), Chalermpol Hoonpongsimanont (Executive Vice President – New Business, Mitr Phol Group, Thailand), Le Quang Lan (Director, Market Integration Directorate, ASEAN Secretariat), Cholaphansa Narula (Anchor woman), Aladdin D. Rillo (Senior Economic Advisor ERIA - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, former Deputy Secretary-General for the ASEAN Economic Community), Raffaele Cattaneo (Undersecretary with responsibility for International and European Relations, Lombardy Region), Lorenzo Tavazzi (Partner and Head of International Development, The European House- Ambrosetti), Stijn Vriends (Chairman & CEO, Vittoria Group, Italy and Thailand), Winfried Wicklein (Director-General, Southeast Asia Regional Department, Asian Development Bank), Federico Cardini (President, Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce), Luca Bernardinetti (Chairman & CEO, Mahanakorn Partners Group). It will also be present the top management of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti - CDP Italy, Simest Italy, Confindustria (General Confederation of Italian Industry) and Italian Trade Agency - ITA along with Ministers and Business Leaders of the ASEAN countries.

The High-Level Dialogue will end with an exclusive Gala Dinner on Wednesday, October 4.

Participation at the High-Level Dialogue is by invitation only due to the limited number of possible participants.

For information and registration:

High-Level Dialogue Secretariat: – telephone +39 02 46753.638/261

For sponsorship:

  • Ms. Ilaria Zolia, Trade Assistant:



Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok
Thanon Ratchadamri 494
Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, Thailand

See route

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