The Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce is delight to announce Joint Chambers Business Luncheon "GDPR and PDPB Readiness", in partnership with Baker McKenzie and cooperation with GTCC, AustCham, BCCT, FTCC, ITCC, NTCC, STCC, SATCC and SwissThai.
Date: June 19, 2018 (Tuesday)
Time: 11.30 AM. – 01.45 PM.
Venue: Ballroom, The Sukhothai Bangkok (MAP)
Cost: Member 1,200 THB / Non-member 2,000 THB
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became effective on 25 May 2018. Given the GDPR's far reach and the severity of penalties associated with non-compliance, it is important for Thai companies to stay abreast of developments related to the law's implementation.
Thai companies and organizations could be subject to comply with the GDPR, even if they have no established entities in the EU and provide no services in any EU territory. While many organizations have already taken steps to comply with the forthcoming Thai Personal Data Protection Bill (PDPB), there are gaps between the PDPB and the GDPR which need to be considered.
Compliance with both personal data protection regulations can create a competitive advantage for companies by helping to secure the confidence of customers and investors and minimize the reputational risk of cybercrime attacks.
The speakers of Baker McKenzie will explore key policies, practical considerations and market approaches that should be deployed to reduce non-compliance risks.
11.30 AM. – 12.00 PM. Guest Registration
12.00 PM. – 12.05 PM. Welcoming remarks by Ms. Melanie Baron, Project Manager of GTCC Consultancy Services
12.05 PM. – 12.45 PM. Starter & main course served
12.45 PM. – 01.45 PM. Information session on GDPR / Q&A
Note: If you have any food requirements/vegetarian dish, please inform us in advance.