Gioco e Gelato
All you need is an Italian Gelato
Experience the Italian Childhood: come and taste some Italian Gelato while playing.
An event organized by the BIMBI ITALIANI community together with TICC Italian Resident Artist Tommaso Maggio PhD, Sukusukukai (Japanese community) in partnership with the TICC.
When: Saturday, May 21, 2022 from 10:00 am until 12:30 pm
Where: Hilton, Sukhumvit soi 24 – behind the POP UP MARKET @ Hilton Sukhumvit
Admission: Free of Charge – Donations welcomed –
What is it?
Gioco and Gelato is a two hours event opened to all families in Bangkok. Children can come and taste the Sammontana ice-cream while playing in a safe and fun atmosphere. Gioco and Gelato is a simple way to get children to experience the Italian Childhood while coloring beautiful ice cream posters designed by the TICC Italian Resident Artist Tommaso Maggio, PhD.
The event is organized by the BIMBI ITALIANI, children Italian community in Bangkok with the support of the Japanese Community Sukusukukai The event is free of charge. Donations are welcomes to support the BimBi Italiani community.