Myanmar: Strategic Investment Opportunities for SMEs
The Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC), in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd., is organizing a seminar on "Myanmar: Strategic Investment Opportunities for SMEs" on 2 October 2014.
The socio-economic reform process is moving fast in Myanmar. The multiple exchanges rates have been abolished and trading in foreign currencies allowed. The Central Bank has been ensured significant independence from the government, new foreign investment and special economic zone laws have been enacted, while small and medium enterprises and industrial zones laws have been drafted and are ready for approval. Properly implemented, and compounded with investment climate reforms, the new laws will be one of the corner stones in leveraging Myanmar's competitive advantages and support its integration into the regional and global economy.
Date: 2 October 2014
Time: 8.30 – 11.30 am.
Venue: Tilleke & Gibbins, Supalai Grand Tower, 26th Floor, Rama 3 Road [MAP]
Fee: Admission Free. Pre-registration is compulsory.
8.00 Registration
8.30 – 9.00 Networking coffee and introductions
Welcome speech by TICC
9.00 – 9.45 Myanmar, a new Tiger? Strategies and opportunities for foreign companies
Presenter: Mr. Michele Boario, Senior MSMEs Expert, UNIDO Myanmar
What are the main features of the Myanmar economic context and FDI trend? How conducive is the business environment for foreign investors? What are the main risks and threats? Which strategies and sectors are more promising for a foreign company? Is there any support from the Italian government and UNIDO? The presentation will address these questions and analyze related issues going through the following program:
I. Economic context and FDI trend
II. Myanmar potential and risks
III. Promising sectors
IV. Strategies for foreign investors
V. Italian government support for the creation of mix companies
VI. UNIDO's initiatives to encourage building partnerships
9.45 – 10.15 Overview: policy framework for SMEs and Myanmar Business Survey
Presenter: Mr. Masato Abe, Economic Affairs Officer, UNESCAP
This session will provide a summary of the policy framework for SMEs in Myanmar based on a recent ESCAP publication. Besides, results of the Myanmar Business Survey 2014 will be shared providing information on the conditions and environment in which businesses operate in Myanmar.
10.15 – 11.15 Myanmar – A Legal Perspective
Presenter: Mr. Michael Ramirez, Consultant, Tilleke & Gibbins
I. Overview of Myanmar Legal System
II. Economic and Legal Liberalization
III. Overview of the Foreign Investment Law
IV. Key Allowances and Restrictions for Foreign Investors
V. Sample Studies of Potential and Actual Investors
VI. On the Legal Horizon
11.15 – 11.30 Q&A and closing remarks
Registration: *The registration has been closed.*